Developing a Rabid Fan Base


How frequently do you find people talking about what they want, how important they are and what they’re looking to accomplish next?  Most people are friendly enough to allow that chatter for a bit, but it gets boring quickly.  Instead of framing your life around what you’re looking to accomplish, look to build a rabid fan base.  A group of people that are fired up to help you in your endeavors.  Do so by pointing the arrow away from you and focusing your energy in easing the struggles of others.

Understand that you can’t help everyone.  Instead, look at those activities where you have been given special gifts, then apply those gifts in supporting others.  Are you amazing at building websites or encouraging others to take action?  Don’t hoard those gifts!  Interestingly, everyone wins when you help.  They win because you helped them in an area where they weren’t able to help themselves.  You helped yourself by practicing your strengths.  Speaking to people about what matters to them, on their level and helping them along the way allows you to build an army of fans.  Do this your entire lifetime.  Do this for those that you can’t imagine being able to help you in return!  You’re building a better world around you that will ripple.  Sooner or later you start seeing the effects.

“It’s not who knows you that counts, it’s who knows you and what they think of you.” – Ken Blanchard

photo by: aaronisnotcool